What is a protected title, and does it impact me?

By law, there are specific titles which are referred to as ‘protected titles’. This means that only those people who are registered or endorsed in a particular profession can use the titles associated with that profession. This may require the practitioner to obtain Licensing and or Registrations required by a regulatory authority. Protected titles can include but are not limited to complementary therapy professions such as: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Kinesiology, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Massage, Art Therapy, Dietician, Psychotherapy, and Counselling.  For practitioners who do not possess the required registration or endorsements for a ‘protected title’ profession, using particular symbols, words or descriptions which allude to this may be illegal. In Australia, this is referred to as ‘holding out.’  Protected titles vary by country, and in some cases by state. For example, each state in Canada and the United States have their own specific occupational regulations. HERE is a list of protected titles in Australia. If you have further questions, please contact AHPRA.  As part of your IICT Training Provider approval, you confirm that you are aware of any Licenses and/or Registrations required by law in the regions where you are teaching your courses. You must obtain, maintain, and ensure that every person employed or engaged by you to facilitate the provision of services/modalities holds all valid License(s) and/or Registration(s) required by any regulatory authority within the region or territory in which you/they practice and completes, as required by any regulations, such course(s) of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as are required for the renewal and continued validity of such License(s) and Registration(s).