IICT is committed to providing professional membership and insurance for every complementary therapist. On this page you will find a list of the aims of IICT.
- To ensure all IICT Members will adhere to, and comply with, all sections of the IICT Constitution and Code of Ethics.
- To raise the overall public awareness of complementary therapies and practices, as well as related healing arts and natural health sciences.
- To ensure complementary therapists function at the highest professional standard.
- To foster and encourage a ‘bridging’ between conventional allopathic medical and allied professions.
- To maintain overall professional standards through membership with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.
- To provide an international voice for complementary therapists and health professionals.
- To encourage the sharing of knowledge and good will among IICT Members.
- To promote the needs of complementary therapists and identify future directions for the complementary health industry.
- To create community and fellowship within the diverse complementary health industry.
- To provide affiliation and greater credibility for complementary therapists via professional membership with the IICT.
- To promote consumer confidence in the complementary health industry and complementary health practitioners.